Kids In Touch

Child Development

Child development is amazing. There is continouos change and so much of it is automatic.  When a child skips something or is behind the “norm” it’s a time to be curious about what experiences might give the nervous system the opportunity to learn what was missed. 

Our PT’s and OT’s are finding things that work. The speed and depth of their ability is limited by the lack of a theory of integration within our medical model.  That is where we are in medicine, the brain is complicated.  

I combine craniosacral therapy with a broader look from ecological psychology to look for an opportunity to facilitate what naturally occurs next.    

Toddlers  So bright and alert!  This is a good time to work with posture and body control.  What a child learns from crawling has a huge impact on how they balance and control the upper body when walking.  Some kids never crawl, some scoot, so check and see if they are pitched forward, if their ankles roll in, or shoulders roll in, if the leg swings when they run, or their toes point way in or out. These are all variables that can be optimized.

Elementary school   School settings identify learning challenges that impact productivity and self esteem. Is your child reading at grade level, socially engaging, having eye strain or headaches? More and more, teachers seem to pass the challenge back to the parents to get additional support. It takes perseverance to find someone who is able to adapt to your child’s unique situation to support change. My experience as a craniosacral therapist combined with my graduate work in development brings opportunities to the situation.

Anxiety is showing up more and more in adults and children. There are different stress responses in the body.  It could increase our adrenal response, or a desire to run, or shut down, or a gut response of not feeling safe.  These are trackable and identifiable.  I work with kids to teach them to identify and release other peoples feelings that are not thiers.  To set boundaries and separation from what is going on around them.

Headaches, Migraines, and Concussions

Chronic headaches can occur when neck muscles that connect to the base of the head are overextended. The neck muscles that attach to the skull pull on the fascia in the head causing headaches.  Unfortunately, the prevalence of cell phones, tablets, computers, and other gadgets greatly exacerbates the wear on our bodies.   

Concussions are no joke. If your child is in a sport that has the risk of repeated concussions know there are potential long term effects from even the mildest of head injuries.  Craniosacral therapy can support the glial cells of the brain which clean up and guide new growth of the neurons. The brain doesn’t have the pain sensors the rest of the body has. Concussions can have complications in addition to headaches such as difficulty with vision, balance, or cognitive dysfunction. An experienced therapist with good listening skills can assist the healing process.


Young athletes rarely talk about what they are feeling in their bodies. Often times, a child will brush off an injury and get back into the game, or take another run down the slope. Play through the pain as it were. Resilience forces the body to re-organize to work around a limitation. Over time these adjustments to injury accumulate as strain patterns in the fascia. As we grow and age it often shows up as pain with limited range of motion and function.  

Every injury has inflammation which slows down healing.   Fascia work can be very gentle and can open up the area of injury in its acute phase to quicken the healing process.  The work is very effective getting blood to flow through knee and ankle injuries.  Often injuries are happening because other parts of the body are so tight that the place that is still flexible takes on more than what is natural for it to accomplish.  Opening up the muscles spasms away from the injury site will decrease the potential of a re-occurring injury. 

Carolyn grew 4 inches after our first session! Her legs strengthened and now she is reaching and using her body more like other 5 year olds in her class.
— Mena F.
I was worried, my son didn’t always make eye contact. I noticed a dramatic difference in eye contact after the 1st visit. I thought I was going crazy but it was all you!! Thanks Gail!
— Rosanna F.
Baer was not progressing with writing and his teachers were struggling and blaming him. Now he sits down on his own, holds the pencil correctly and is excited to draw for me. Baer asks about when he will see Gail.
— Maureen P.
My son tripped over his feet when he ran. Now he runs everywhere. Thanks Gail!
— Todd P.
Young boy running on the beach.

Sensory Motor Integration: A Unique Perspective

How We Move Effects What We Perceive Is Possible For Us To Do

I work with the sensory systems through movement to create new opportunities for how the body self organizes to achieve goals. This creates new pathways and new abilities for how we perceive and interact in the world. In this style of teaching change occurs in both the sensory and motor systems together.  Techniques often use the foundation of one system to teach the other…

This work has helped children with the simplest challenges of ball catching to the more difficult challenges that occur with developmental delay. If your child has a specific problem with walking on toes, tripping, crawling, eye-hand coordination, penmanship, visual processing, posture, body awareness, is injury prone, or having a unique learning challenge, this work can be a valuable step in his or her development.  

Our Foundation for How We Perceive and Organize Our Actions is Established in Early Childhood 
We each learn our own unique subset of ways to organize our movements. The foundation for how we organize our movements follows how we develop as babies and toddlers. In child development there are milestones that measure the onset and repression of reflexes that effect how we perceive and know the world. How we transition through these milestones creates a strong or a weak foundation. The goal of my work is to strengthen the foundation.

Why my Techniques are Different From Other Therapists. I spent 10+ years in graduate research building a unique understanding of the common denominators for sensory-motor integration. The framing of my work is holistic. The framing of the questions were different from the medical based disciplines of Occupational or Physical Therapy. It was in a branch of psychology called Ecological Psychology. In this disciple an individual develops in her environment as one system. Her movements create her perceptions and her perceptions direct her movements. In a medical based model each system (vision, hearing, balance, proprioception) is studied separately, each generate separate data and then rely on complex computations by the brain to interpret and coordinate a response which is another set of computations. There are no common denominators across systems. I have a completely different awareness of human design. From this, I have developed a unique set of variables that I work with that are different from and a valuable asset to facilitating and supporting the goals of other therapists. When your child reaches a plateau with his or her therapist I may have a fresh insight into the problem.

Recently I worked with a fourteen month old who was having difficulties turning his head to the left, his hands and arms were often eliciting the startle reflex, one eye lid was partially closed, and he was not walking. Over a series of sessions we were able to resolve all of these issues.

I work with kids of all ages. Lots of small issues. I had a 10 year old child who was miserable going to gym class. When I watched him walk he always started with his left leg. His right leg followed him. It never crossed midline. We worked together for a short series of sessions, he gained the control of his right leg and was able to pass his gym class.

Follow the series of images below that capture the change in a 6 year old's pencil grip.  He began with a fist grip, then moved to good finger control but continued to use large gross motor movements.  Notice his hand is off the table anchored by his elbow.                     

InTouch with kids.

The biggest challenge was to get his hand to rest on the table.  It took some thinking but we figured it out!  It was all about the wrist.  I ended up using a large crayon with broad wrist movements to color in a section gently grounding the wrist to the table.   He got it instantly!  The last picture is of a circle within a circle demonstrating his newfound control.

A ten year old came in with ADD.  During sessions he would talk and I would hear how brilliant and amazing his mind was.  During one session he went silent for 10 minutes.  At the end of the ten minutes he immediately asked, "How long was that?".  I said 10 minutes, to which he immediately responded, "I was sleeping".  To which I responded that his eyes were open.  He followed up with "I can do that".  He had the experience and it is now part of him.  

One of my first clients was a fourteen year old severely autistic child who would bang his knee into his head. I worked with him and his aid in short 5 minute blocks of time. I was able to separate out a relationship between his upper and lower body. What changed is that he began banging his elbow against his side. He now has the choice of creating the stimulus he is desiring without hurting his head. The set of variables I work with have been effective, and once experienced there is nothing to practice or learn.

I believe that the nervous system will self correct when the opportunity arises, and I know how to create opportunities.

How is Pediatric CranioSacral Therapy Performed?
The primary focus of CranioSacral Therapy is on the central nervous system. As the control center of the body, the central nervous system influences every other major body system and function. A typical session takes place in a quiet setting with a child resting, being read to, or playing on a massage table.

The therapist hands rest lightly in different places on the body evaluating the CranioSacral rhythm. This is followed by a gentle placement of the hands on the body to elicit a release of any restrictions felt. The hands stay in this position over a period of time until the release is complete.

Parents read or play with the child as he or she lays or sits on the massage table.

Young child playing with blocks.

Craniosacral therapy has helped children with:

  • Eye Contact

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Birth Trauma

  • Central Nervous System Disorders

  • Poor Motor Execution

  • Poor Motor Planning

  • Neurological Issues

  • Sensory Processing Issues

  • Spasticity

  • Speech Issues

  • Strabismus

  • Scoliosis

  • Emotional Stress

  • Quieting the mind

Young ballerina sitting on block.

The movement work has helped with:

  • Difficulty with hand-eye coordination activities

  • Perceived motor difficulty

  • Problems crawling, walking on toes, or toed in

  • Motor planning delay

  • Delayed visual processing

  • Eye-motor coordination problems

  • Auditory localization

  • Temporal awareness

  • Spatial awareness

  • Balance

  • Muscle tone