The primary goal of Craniosacral Therapy is to support the nervous system, the core of you. Our body often lets us know when we are off. Pain, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, digestive or sleep issues interrupt our comfort and grab our attention.   

The medical model is usually the first avenue people explore for answers. It’s extraordinary when a solution resolves the issue. However, disease is often not the cause of our discomfort.  

When doctors can't find a direct solution there is little collective knowledge in our society to know where to turn. It is up to us to explore alternative solutions. How can craniosacral therapy help? It’s hard to explain, but here is one window in. 

The brain and the spinal cord are the physical structures of our nervous system. They are well protected inside the skull and bones of the spine. They are contained in their own casing of fascia called the dura. Sometimes there are places of restriction or stuckness in the dura that will effect function. Our goal is to find and release these restrictions to allow the nervous system to optimize.      

As experienced craniosacral therapists, our goal is to release the origin of the restriction so the whole pattern can release. We end up working with the whole body in order to support the change in the nervous system you are looking for.  Working with fascia is one example of how we do this. Fascia is the one thing medicine ignores, and the one thing that links every structure in the body.

In the medical model the only function of fascia is to separate structures. They cut away the fascia to explore the unique structure, an organ for example, to understand it’s processes.  As craniosacral therapists we recognize restrictions in the fascia as reasons for dysfunction. Traces of many of our repetitive actions, accidents, sports injuries, are held in the fascia. They kind of build on each other as twists, pulls, linking one place to another.  

Craniosacral therapy is a hands on modality. We engage with all the different specialized tissue of the body, the muscles, tendons, organs, bones, nerves, arteries, veins, through fascia. Fascia wraps things, it organizes each unique structure and the substructures within it. The true understanding of its layers in unknown. We know it separates structures, but its layers are continuous and dimensional. There is so much interconnectedness, many of the layers are not individually identifiable to only one structure. 

We have measures and techniques that allow our hands to sense tension patterns in the fascia as tortions, pulls, or stuckness. The goal of our sessions is to release the restrictions to restore optimal function. When a pattern releases there is an increase in flexibility. This creates more space, more freedom for the nervous system to organize to function differently.  

As therapists we listen with our hands to the loudest call for attention. Your body knows its history, the order of the injuries that it has adapted to. Your body is best equipt to organize the order of the releases. Listening to your body is the reason we can get so much done. All of our years of study, curiosity, and experience is what we bring to the table, to listen and follow and support the change your body is asking for.    

Higher level classes teach us to delve deeper and use our awareness to focus on specific structures of the brain, the gut, the immune system, and so on.  It is a very safe, effective way of working with the body as we never initiate without listening. In sessions I make an effort to teach you about your body, to dialog and listen to your body. To bring your awareness back home to you.

Our life experiences cause us to compensate. Whether it is to a knee that is sore, or a mom that is depressed. Over time we adjust and conform to all of the restrictions that create our reality across all levels of our experiences, physical, emotional and mental. These adjustments are necessary and valuable. Even amazing in that we move forward. Often our compensations become the new normal.  

Our intention as craniosacral therapists is to support you. To help identify what is out of balance. To see the truth your body is showing you. This therapy is body driven, not like talk therapy. Most of the time when others explain craniosacral therapy they are either extremely vague, or they hand you a book. This modality has depth beyond this introduction that your own experience will fill in. Are you curious and ready to explore and deepen your relationship with your body?  

It has successfully been used to treat:

• Headaches • Migraines •Anxiety •Joint Immobility • Jaw Pain • Sinus Congestion
• Neck Pain • Eye-Motor Coordination Problems • Strabismus • Fibromyalgia
• Back Pain • Hip Pain • Knee Pain • Undiagnosed Pain • Concussions • Chronic Ear Infections

1: a light-touch, whole-body treatment technique that works with the body’s craniosacral system to support and nourish the central nervous system —improving overall health and well-being.

2: a complementary method of hands-on bodywork; works with the natural and unique rhythms of the different body systems to pinpoint and address problem sources.

3: helps to alleviate the aches, pains and strains of life; improves coping mechanisms to allow for better management of stress.

4: improves the body’s ability to self-care; can produce profound, positive changes.

Craniosacral Therapy - word.
Young boys playing baseball

Benefits For Children

Children active in sports are generating and absorbing forces daily.  Taking hits to the body is normal, and often not something they share. These hits compound over time and the body works around them. This both limits their potential and sets them up for chronic pain as adults. I have a golfer coming in who has reached a plato and is looking to change compensatory patterns to improve his golf game.

Children with learning differences gain awareness and appreciation for their way of processing.      

Children with ADD have the opportunity to experience how to quiet their mind.  This is a gift for everyone who thinks all the time.   

Children with special needs have additional central nervous system support and opportunities for change which are different from all of the therapies the insurance companies cover.      

Infants​​  Craniosacral therapy is a wonderful opportunity for healthy, thriving babies to unwind and settle easily into the amazing changes that will occur in the first year of life. 

If your newborn is having difficulty with breastfeeding, turning their head, or with colic or reflux, Craniosacral therapy can gently release restrictions in the fascia system to create more freedom of movement and ease in their bodies.

Lately I have been working with infants who were breach. 2 were stuck in a pike position, one was curled up with her head turned under the ribcage. All doing well with a few sessions.  

If you notice your newborn can hold her head up, that is not strength, that is a tension in the body that can be released.  

If your infant was tongue tied, check the bottoms of his feet to see if they are really tight.  Sometimes the tension pattern goes through the whole body.  

If the legs are always pulled up tight to the body, or it’s difficult the open the legs when changing diapers.   

If you notice his head is turned all the way to the same side every time he is in the car seat. Pay attention to the ease of turning to the other side.  

If you notice eyes drifting where one is only looking and at time.  Or it switches to the other eye looking.  

If your infant is crying for hours at a time, it is likely a digestion issue which can be addressed through craniosacral therapy.  

  • Fussy, hard to soothe babies

  • Babies who have digestive or elimination difficulties

  • Reflux

  • Colic

  • Breastfeeding problems

  • Babies who favor turning their heads to one side

  • Babies who seem overly sensitive

  • Non-sleeping babies

  • Babies with tortocolis

  • Autism

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Birth Trauma / forceps

  • Central Nervous System Disorders

  • Cerebral Palsy

  • Colic

  • Developmental Delays

  • Difficulty Chewing

  • Difficulty Nursing

  • Difficulty Swallowing

  • Dyslexia

  • Ear Infections

  • Headaches

  • Hearing Problems

  • Poor Motor Execution

  • Poor Motor Planning

  • Neurological Issues

  • Scoliosis

  • Seizure Disorders

  • Sensory Processing Issues

  • Sinus Problems

  • Spasticity

  • Speech Issues

  • Strabismus

  • Concussions

Craniosacral Therapy has been know to be effective with the following: