Your body has it’s own intelligence. It is more than a vehicle for your mind. It has its own knowing and memories. Somato-emotional release is a way to support the release of emotional memories that were unable to be processed at the time. Under stress, our repeated feelings of fear, anger, disappointment, resentment, etc., shut down and get stored in the body. Somato-emotional release gives the body permission to let go of the memories it is holding on to. This work helps you develop your ability to listen to your body. Over time it becomes another guidance system to know your own truth.
Part of being human is to conform to get our needs met. Our beliefs and expectations of ourselves are shaped by our experiences. Our experiences are true, they happened. The beliefs we took on during our experiences are not hard truths. They can be upgraded to the current version of ourselves. It’s when you want more, want to reclaim your desires, your goals, and your power that your are ready to see the gift of yourself independent of the past. Your presence is how you change. How the body knows it is safe to let go of the protection, the fear, the bracing; held in your strength, your love, your truth.
Craniosacral therapy is gentle work, it’s not meant to be overwhelming, or recreate traumas. The goal is for you to begin a relationship with your body to uncover and release exactly what is perfect for you. Information has an energy attached to it. Angry words have a frequency of anger. When someone is angry we often take in the frequency of anger with the information. A lot of what we are holding onto was never ours in its origin.
Clearing patterns of repetitive cycles of chronic pain, illness, and trauma creates freedom and clarity. When this happens there is a joyous and uplifting energy; you are prepared for your next steps and recognize the incredible power found within. This empowerment brings forward momentum aligning you for what you are creating whether it is for your career, mental health, body health or relationships.