Have you noticed chronic stiffness, or a light running anxiety that isn’t going away? We are all bracing a bit as the world changes around us. Craniosacral therapy helps you let down and drop into a more natural state of being. Take a break from the outside world, relax and reconnect with your inner world.
CranioSacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands on therapy developed by osteopaths in the 1970’s from the idea that the 22 bones of the skull are not fused but have subtle movement. Techniques were developed to create easier passage of the nerves through the bones to optimize function. An eye turn for example, is often the result of a nerve being compressed in its travels from the brain stem up through the sphenoid bone to the eye. This approach trusts in the body’s innate ability to heal itself and our ability to identify restrictions. By creating space for the nerve, the body takes over and knows exactly what to do to function properly. This concept is applied throughout the body, effecting endless opportunities for change.
Clients often come for support through personal development (to change nervous system response to stress, trauma) to address chronic pain, or who have a challenge that need a whole body approach to resolve.
Kids In Touch
Infants are Precious
Compression and squeezing through the birth canal, or the sudden pressure change of a cesarean birth can have lasting effects on the nervous system. Craniosacral therapy with newborns supports a gentle beautiful natural unwinding of the birth process. CST aligns the body structurally and gets all the systems working properly — eating, pooping, sleeping.
What are you noticing with your baby; colic, fussiness, stiffness, restlessness? Tongue and lip tie are common occurrences sometimes remedied by the clipping of the frenulum. After this procedure, or in cases that are less severe, infants benefit from CST as we are able to release the tongue, lip and cheek muscles to ease the tightness in the mouth to better coordinate nursing. Torticollis, which is when the head only turns easily to one side, is also a common with newborns. This is often identified by moms who notice the difference of ease on one side when breastfeeding. Often while freeing up the neck I find additional restrictions down the body. Releasing these frees up the whole body’s desire to roll and twist.
Therapeutic Massage
Massage for Pain Are you frustrated with short term solutions? Right back where you started hours later? Tightness in the body is more complicated than a muscle spasm nagging at you. Poor habits, recurrent stressors, bracing, past injuries- both physical and emotional, effect optimal function. Our bodies are adaptive, it’s both a gift and a mess. As body workers we focus on the unseen layers of adaptation held in the tissue to assist you in recovery. My work combines massage, myofascial techniques, and identifying stress patterns to break through the chronic tightness locking your muscles in place. Working together with the body we can begin to separate out and resolve the underlying cause of chronic discomfort.